This is a unique mix of two of my first and favorite flower friends, Arrowleaf Balsamroot and Blue Elderflower. Balsamroot (or Smokakhin in Wenatchi language, whose lands raised me) is such an important plant that’s been harvested by Wenatchi and Entiat people and many other Indigenous folks for generations upon generations. The whole plant offers food and medicine, and this tincture uses a single root, along with sweet and delicate Elder flower to offer support for colds and respiratory issues, gentle pain support, support for calm and ease, and even digestive support. Both these plants are perennial, meaning the return again and again each spring and summer–long-lived and holding elder wisdom. This deep and wise Balsamroot was harvested with reverence for its elderhood and with deep care, as were the elder blossoms, with lots left behind to grow into berries for more medicine and to feed the critters who rely on it for food. May Elder’s Breath offer you healing, as well as elder’s wisdom! And check out Wenatchi Wear and their description of the Wenatchi people’s relationship with Balsamroot–they are a fabulous Native owned and operated business!
To use: Use ½-1 dropperful 1-3 times daily as needed.
Elder's Breath
Ethically wildcrafted Arrowleaf Balsamroot and Blue Elder flower, alcohol